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Protecting Art or the Earth?

“What is worth more - art or life?” the young climate activist Phoebe Plummer exclaimed shortly after having glued herself to the wall where Vincent van Gogh’s famous painting Sunflowers hangs. The vandalism of historical paintings such as this one belongs to a long line of many other instances that have occurred around the UK.

On the 14th of October in the National Gallery Museum in London, two women were arrested for committing vandalism. Plummer and her fellow activist Anna Holland were seen throwing canned tomato soup at the Van Gogh painting. It was later announced that the actual painting had not been subject to any damage due to glass protection, though the frame had faced some minor damage.

Plummer, Holland and other “Just Stop Oil” activists are demanding that the UK government ban the use of fossil fuels. They want to highlight the impact of the continued use of these fuels. Costs of energy are increasing due to scarce sources of non-renewables, which have been the main driving force for inflation. During the upcoming winter, when heating becomes more relevant, people with less disposable income will have to choose between heating and food. However, the organisation claims that the issue can be easily solved if we slow down and, ideally, stop the use of new fossil fuels.

The “Just Stop Oil” protests have received criticism from many aspects. Many fear that their extreme actions might alienate people who otherwise support the organisation. However, the activists want to achieve that attention to highlight their cause. They feel that peaceful protests will not catch the public eye as effectively. Furthermore, they chose Sunflowers specifically because they knew that it was protected by glass, according to their spokesperson Damien Gayle. The organisation is also facing scepticism about their origin. Originally it was funded by grants from Aileen Getty, who inherited their fortune from Getty Oil. However, Aileen herself has never been involved in the fossil fuel industry. She has rather dedicated her life to supporting anti-racist and climate justice movements.

These types of climate protests are increasing and becoming conversation starters on a global scale. Despite criticism for their radicality, they have achieved their aim to increase awareness of the climate change and fossil fuel issue.

By Emmie

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