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In life there will always without a doubt be people or objects that one will eventually adore and come to love. Love is a strong emotion in a human’s life, it is very erratic and spontaneous. However just like love there is a similarly strong if not even stronger emotion. Bingo! You guessed it! Its name is “Hate”. Contrary to popular belief the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. That brings us to the question “what is hate?”.

The following might come as a shock, but hate is so much like love that people can not tell the difference between them sometimes! They are so similar that they can be converted to the other at a moment's notice! So similar that one begets the other in fact. The difference between them is that people can find it simpler to let go of their love instead of their hate for things. This in turn leads people to notice the abundance of pure hate rather than discover pure love in one's vicinity.

Hate stems from people who dislike their own existence. One can not simply hate another person if they do not find qualities which they lack in themselves or things that they are inferior to in others! If someone does not lack anything or feel that they themselves are less to a person then why would they put in effort and time that they could have spent on other things on a trivial person or thing that has nothing but demerits to them? The answer is that they will get nothing out of it.

The conclusion to this is that if nobody hates you then you are doing something wrong! Do not even for an instance think that if people do not hate you, they like or adore you! Since love and hate are extremely similar, if somebody does not carry hate towards you then they most likely have indifference towards you! Do not be scared to hate somebody. Hate signifies acknowledgement and acceptance of others!

By Hiab

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